Various reforms have taken place in Kenyan Public Space with an aim of improving the overall public sector management to make sure that utilization of available resource is effective and efficient to enable achievement of economic growth and to reduce the level of poverty. Public Financial Management Reforms Secretariat has been one of the major vehicles driving the Reforms Agenda forward countrywide. The reforms are directed towards cost saving, enhancing efficiency and improving productivity to ensure people-centered public service delivery.
The Secretariat is currently coordinating the implementation of the Public Financial Management Reforms Strategy 2018-2023. The Strategy is anchored in the Medium-Term Plan 2018-2022(MTP) now in its third iteration (MTP III) which in turn is guided by vision 2030.The Strategy was developed through a consultative process which involved national and subnational levels of the government, MDAs and Development Partners. A result-based approach was adopted which is advancement from the previous strategy which was activity based.
The Current Strategy has been under implementation for the past two and half years and the Secretariat is required to carry out a Mid-term review. The review is meant to the progress of the strategy against the targets set, revisit interventions, timelines and key performance indicators for the PFMR Strategy. This is as well a good time to build consensus on future reforms, adjust current strategy 2018-2023 and inform future PFM Strategy 2023-2028.
The review is a step back to identify Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities as well as risks and develop necessary recommendation in the overall design of the strategy.The Mid-Term review began with a kick off launch with Development partners, MDAs, PFMR Secretariat Team as key stakeholders attending the event. The Principal Secretary, National Treasury Dr Julius Muia was the chief guest who Launched the exercise in Nairobi Sarova Panafric Hotel on the 18th March 2022.
The Mid-Term is being carried out at both National and County level of government. PFMR Secretariat Team is leading the exercise with support of European Union (EU) who is one of our Development Partner. The PFRM Team will do a visit to the 33 MDAs in their respective offices to engage them in depth consultative meetings and discussions to get insights and measure progress against set targets in the strategy. The EU has onboarded Consultants with vast knowledge and experience who will be working hand in hand with the PFMR Team to ensure success of the exercise.
All the 47 counties will be grouped in as per the 6 Regional Economic Blocs. There will be a pilot visit at Jumuia ya Kaunti za Pwani(JKP) including officers drawn from county treasury and fiscal analysts from County Assembly. Equitable transfer share to the counties, revenue generation and transparency and accountability in public spending are just among few issues to be tackled by PFMR Team with Mombasa region. Thereafter the other economic blocs will follow subsequently with much a better approach to engage the Targeted participants.
With quality data gathered from the meetings, PFMR Team in collaboration with experts will consolidate the information which will help prepare a draft report. Thereafter discussions and presentations will be held with MDAs and County Representatives on fact finding mission and allow them to make recommendations. There after a final report will be generated and presented to all stakeholders.